In Memory

It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.

General George S. Patton Jr. (1885-1945)

Mary Denise Haddon

It is with deep sadness and heavy heart that we inform every one of the passing of our colleague and dear friend, Mary Denise Haddon, on November 8th, 2022.  Mary led a long and courageous battle with cancer but selflessly always put the good of our organization and our honored Veterans first. As the long-time president of the Rocky Mountain Honor Flight board of directors, she was a visionary leader who provided strong leadership and values that made us all want to be better persons in our daily lives.  Mary spent countless hours preparing each and every honor flight ensuring it was an absolutely perfect experience and memory for every Veteran. Our organization is what it is today because of her endless devotion to serving our Veterans. Her outgoing personality, sense of humor and boundless talents were a blessing to all that knew her. All of us at the Rocky Mountain Honor Flight will miss our dear friend more than words could ever express.  The sun has set on an amazing life – rest in peace dear Mary.

They’re not gone until they are forgotten.


Lynes Allen
Harlod Flenthrope
Nolan Nix
Betty Mae AndersonFrank FrancisJack Oakley
John AngeloVergil L. FrickeyWalter J. O'Connell
Philip Dalla AntonelliDon FullertonRobert Oehler
Richard "Dick" ApplegateErnest GallegosWalter A. Ohmart Jr
Alvin "Al" ArboughAntonio "Tony" GarciaBob Olds
Russell AshtonFrank GermanSlim Oleson
Norman L. AubuchonTony GilesPaul T. Oliver
John Lee BabcockEmil GimenoJoseph Orsak
Henry O. BadgettCharles GlanvilleRichard "Dick" Over
Fritz BaehrBill GoldEugene B. Packer
Joe BainCarlton GoodwinJohn Palmquist
Wilbur BandlerBrigadier General Mortimer GordonMelvin "Art" Parrish
Howard BeaslyChuck GrimesHarold Patterson
Ted BeattieRoger GudenkaufKenneth Payne
Hazel M. BeckerBob HaldermanJim Phillips
Don Bennallack MDJames "Jim" HansonDick Poole
Bruce BerendsLarry HarperFred Popp
Dick BerganNorm HarrisIsaac Karl Post
George BishopJames Lee HectWally Prather
Rex BlackHarold "Hal" HeffronPeter Quiring
Bob BlindVern HelbigDonald Quist
Raymond BlunkArt HelmersIrv Rahn
Harlod BockRay HendersonJoe Rapp
John J. BonoDonald HerringGerald Rasey
Bill BowmanBob HessekLilly Mae Red Eagle
John BrandtCharles Hill Sr.Henry Remple
Harold BranstetterDr. Mike HitchcockJames Rentschler
Ralph BranstetterClaude B Holland Jr.Willis Revel
Richard BreakerMarvin HollingsworthJack G. Rhodes
Edward J. BrittGrady HowellJim Richardson
Velma BrooksRobert C. "Bob" IreyMelbourne Ring
Homer BrownErnie JacobsKenneth Roberson
Howard BrownBruce JacobsonHank Robinson
Lyman BrownHenry JensenDallas D. Rockwell
Paul BrucknerMelvin "Mel" JohnsonManuel "Manny" Rodriquez
Millard "Bud" BurgstahlerPhilip JorgensonAlexander Rothe
Bennie BursethNed KainCharles Roubique
Anthony BushbachWilliam KehresCharles Rowden
Art ButtersteinHarold "Babe" KendrickHarry Rudolph
Glenn CallahanAllan KennedyValdino Ruybal
Manuel CandelarioJoe KennedyRaliegh Sahl
Rober CarlConrad KercherBennie Saindon
Richard CarltonJay KershawSammy Sawyer
Lawrence "Larry" CarrilloRod KershensteinJohn Schlenger
Frank CarterGilbert L. KeslerEdward "Todd" Seiler
Jack CheeversJames Joseph KlecknerIrving Sether
John ChoneyMike KleinSid Shafner
Arthur ChriswellAlexander KolbSol Shafner
James ChunnRon KonkelDwight Thomas Shea
Dom CimenoEddie KopperudClifton "Cliff" Shipman
Earl ClarkSteve W KossGeorge Sickell
Walter ClarkLawrence KoteckiTony Siller
Joseph William ClarkeChalres KrollOrville Sjoberg
Pauline ClendeningLyle LaffertyDonald Slocum
Tony ColnarAdam LambrechtGene Sorte
Herbert "Mack" ConnelleyEarl LammersDon Southard
Richard ConradAl LamoreauxHarold Squires
Gene CookLeo LangeHoward R. St. Cyr
Robert "Bob" CookWalt LeasHarold "Hershy" Steinberg
Lawrence "Gill" CopelandLloyd LeathermanSig Stenlund
Robert CorbettMarvin LeffBill Stewart
Bob CordtsGerald LeiserHomer "Stretch'" Stewart
Joseph "Joe" CottoneFrank LewisJack Stubbs
TG CrabbeRollins "Rollie" LinserHarold Sutton
Gene CramerRussell LinscottSwannie Swanson
Floyd CreesonAnthony "Henry" aka "Tony" LopezWilliam Taliaferro
Bill DavisStuart LoseyJack Terry
Harold DavisGeorge LoudisKen Terwilliger
Lous DeSantisWilliam LowJohn Thompson
Art DiamondGeorge LucusJack Thornburg
Jerry DickersonJoe LungCharles "Chuck" Townsend
Jack DillLeroy MaesBarton Trujillo
Gerald DorwartHank MarsarkyPaul Tull
James DoyleWilliam MatthiasClark Valles
Don DrakeRay MazakRussell Vickers
Wilfred DreherLen MazziGil Vidaurri
Norman DruckmanTom McCarthyWilliam Walsdorf
James E. DuncanJon McNairRobert Ware
Marvyn EakesLes MendelsonDoug Watts
Robert EddyJoseph MeyerNell Weisbach
Tom ElliotJack MillsDarrel Whitaker
Stanley EllisKishiyama "Sam" MinoruMel White
A. Fredrick EmsMark MooreLeonard Williams
Miguel D. EncinasWilliam MounseyFred Wiswell
Frank EppersonMarvin MuckDale "Beau" Wolfer
Paul EpsteinDorothy "Davy" MyersHarold Wollman
Howard "Skip" FankhauserJames MurthaRussell Wood
Cliff FejfarWalt NastajRobert "Bob" Wyatt
Thomas FellerKenneth NelsonGene Zimmerman
Jack FentonFred NewmanHarry Zirkelbach
Peter FiniAlfred J. Niccoli