If a program does not exist in your part of the country, TURN IN AN APPLICATION ANYWAY to the national Honor Flight Network – to access that application, go to http://www.honorflight.org/ and click on “Applications”. Once the application has been
received, you will be invited to participate on a flight in your general region of the country. You will be responsible for obtaining travel to and from that region. Example: You live in Baton rouge, Louisiana. At this time (early 2010) there are no hubs in
Louisiana. But there are Honor Flight hubs in Texas. Apply to the Honor Flight Network, and they will try to connect you with one of the hubs closest to you. You would be responsible for transportation to that hub city. Once there, Honor Flight would
cover the cost of the trip from Washington DC and back again. If you have been on the national waiting list for over 6 months, you will be eligible to participate in the Lone Eagles program. Please read the national web page concerning this special
program. (www.honorflight.org/loneeagle.htm)
WHEELCHAIRS — About 40% of the veterans we have been transporting have been in wheelchairs. Our deluxe motor coaches are ordered based upon this fact. Many of our coaches are equipped with wheelchair lifts. If there is a possibility that a
veteran may need a wheelchair during one of our trips, that is not a problem, as we furnish wheelchairs.
OXYGEN — If the veteran requires oxygen, a prescription for the oxygen must be provided by the veteran’s healthcare provider, identifying the delivery method (mask or nasal cannula), frequency (as needed or continuously), and the rate of delivery
(2-3 liters per minute). Rocky Mountain Honor Flight will provide an FAA approved oxygen concentrator for use during the trip. We also provide oxygen cylinders to be used while in Washington. Veterans on oxygen are required to have oxygen cylinders
available from their home to the departure airport and also on the return from their local airport back to their homes. No oxygen cylinders are permitted to be used on the aircraft.
YES! Such veterans go to the top of the list for the next flight departing to Washington DC as part of our TLC Program. Not only are WWII Veterans given this top priority, but any terminally ill Veteran, who has never been able to visit their memorial, are given the same priority under our TLC Program. For more information, please visit the Honor Flight Network Home Page.
I’m glad you asked! Please call the national Honor Flight Network at 937 521-2400 and ask to speak with the Founder of Honor Flight, Mr. Earl Morse. He can also be reached via email at founder@honorflight.org.
Resources & Helpful Links
Veterans, Gold Star Families get free entrance to national parks, refuges, other public lands