We Fly Our Heroes To Washington, DC.

Take A Flight

We serve Veterans in Colorado and surrounding states.


We have many volunteer opportunities. You can be a part of making our veterans’ dreams a reality! Your help makes a difference.


We do not receive government funding and depend entirely on the generous (tax deductible) donations from people like you.


Rocky Mountain Honor Flight is a Denver Colorado-based non-profit organization formed in 2007.  Our goal is to fly every able and willing Veteran to Washington D.C. to visit the monuments and memorials dedicated to their service. Our priority is with World War II and terminally ill Veterans. We also accept applications from all Veterans. We are a member of Honor Flight Network, which began this activity in 2005 and began flying with commercial charter aircraft in 2006 from Dayton, Ohio. There are now about 130 “hubs”, from which flights originate around the country. National Honor Flight Network provides us with logistical support as well as arranging activities in Washington D.C.

Veterans must fill out an application form, which can be found on our application page and printed or downloaded. Trained volunteer guardians accompany all Veterans on each flight. Volunteers can apply to be a guardian by downloading or printing the form available here. Various private and commercial donors support us. We are supported by many Veterans’ organizations in the region. We have no paid staff. Our volunteers organize the Veterans for travel, arrange the travel both to and from Washington, and arrange all transportation, activities and meals in Washington. The “journey” is usually 3 days and 2 nights, spending several hours at the World War II Memorial, and visiting other Washington landmarks such as the Korean War Memorial, Vietnam Wall, Lincoln Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery and changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns and the Marine Corps War Memorial.

At the current time, for obvious reasons, priority is given to World War II Veterans. If a Veteran is certified terminally ill by a doctor but able to travel, he or she moves up the priority list no matter what their era of service. We hope to launch at least four flights per year and perhaps more, providing we get enough financial support. Interested in donating? DONATE NOW



The Board of Directors of Rocky Mountain Honor Flight are pleased to be back to our mission of honoring Veterans as we resume operations post-pandemic.  We take the health and safety of our Veterans, Guardians, and Volunteer Staff very seriously and will continue to make adjustments to our travel logistics as warranted.  

Event:  Flight #47 – Complete

DATE:  May 23-25, 2024

Event: Flight #48 – Planned

DATE: September 5-7, 2024

Event: Flight #49 – in pre-planning

DATE: October 3-5, 2024

Get Involved

We depend on volunteers and donations to make these flights possible for veterans.

Veteran's Application

This is the first step if you like to go on a flight. We will be in touch after receiving your application.

Be a Flight Guardian

Sign-up to be a guardian to a Veteran for a flight.

Be a Family Guardian

You can sign-up to be a family guardian with your Veteran family member.


Volunteer as support on one of our flights.